Kathy George Animal Communications


Welcome & Thank you for visiting!

The services Kathy provides are simply a piece of a puzzle of information to help assist you with animals care, needs or understanding of behavior. Animal Communication is not a form of diagnosis nor should it ever be used as Veterinary care.

Many use Kathy's service to enhance relationship/home /barn/competition life with their animals. Understanding their physical & emotional needs and how they view their world.

**Fees: Charged for Time Used- Not number of Animals.**

*At the Time of Your Appointment Please have all your Questions Ready. *

Deposit is required for consultations $45.00 (deposit) UP to the first 15 mins. It's $30.00 UP to additional 15 mins. MAX 30 mins per call. Please do not book back to back time slots.

Please CALL 434-221-1600 at the time of your chosen day/time.

If you need to Reschedule refer to your confirmation email. OR if you cannot locate the confirmation email; call 434-221-1600 or email We will resend to you so you can make your changes. kgeorgeanimalcommunications@yahoo.com.

*Please Call your Veterinarian for Emergencies*

Kathy No Longer Works with Lost/Deceased Animals. Thank you!

Kathy website for more information


Animal Communication Phone Consultation- DEPOSIT $45.00 I.E. first 15 minutes. with Kathy George Animal Communications

30 minutes @ $75.00

Welcome! PLEASE READ: Double CHECK your Time Zone, Choose your Day & Time. A deposit of $45.00" is required, I.E. first 15 minutes; $30.00 Up To Additional 15 minutes- MAX 30 Minutes per Call. Fees are for Time Used. No need to be ...